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Who We Are

We are the peak body in Victoria for Aboriginal women and children, advising Peak Aboriginal Organisations, Government & NGO sector on issues affecting Aboriginal women & families.


We provide refuge accommodation, specialist family violence services, therapeutic support and work with our women in the justice system to uphold and defend their rights to live a life free from violence. Our support also extends to parents of Aboriginal children, as well as partners and ex-partners of Aboriginal people.

We are proudly an Aboriginal community controlled organisation. We work in consultation with our community in all aspects of our services.

Central to our work is self-determination. EMH continue our matriarchal legacy by advocating for culturally safe, place-based, trauma informed, strength and rights-based approaches. We walk beside our women in their journey. We are proud of our contributions to wider society and assert that the full realisation and enjoyment of human rights for all is not possible without addressing First Nation People’s human rights violations.

Our Staff 

Run by mob for mob. Here's a few of our leaders:

Our Vision

Our vision is to work together with Aboriginal communities to ensure safe & culturally strong futures for our women, children & young people. 

​​Aunty Liz's vision was to provide Aboriginal women and their children with a safe place where they could escape family violence and where they could get their lives back together while accessing the help and support they needed.

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Our logo was drawn by Artist Lyn Briggs.


Lyn is an Aboriginal woman from Wiradjuri country. Lyn has been a past board member and well known in the local community.

The image depicts a family in the middle, entering our service. It reminds us that Aboriginal women and their children are at the centre of everything we do. The outer circle is our staff supporting the family.

We welcome Aboriginal women, children and young people, including parents of Aboriginal children, as well as partners and ex-partners of Aboriginal people, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, non-binary, sistergirls, brotherboys, intersex and two spirit queer folk who identify as women or feel comfortable accessing a women’s service.

Get in Touch

Office hours

Mon - Thu:   9am - 5pm

Fri:             9am - 4pm


Phone:        (03) 9403 9400

Fax:               (03) 9482 5733

EMH are open 24/7  on 1800 364 297

or call 1800 RESPECT / 1800 015 188

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We operate an outreach service (10am-3pm) at the Carlton Baths, 216-248 Rathdowne Street, Carlton. Please call us to make an appointment.


PO Box 167 

Fairfield, VIC 3078

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© 2023 Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women's Services Inc

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