Family Violence Impacts
Impacts on the Aboriginal community
The history of trauma of Aboriginal people, through colonisation, forced removal of children, systemic racism and the grief and loss associated reaches into our present.
Many of the systems of oppression began in colonisation of this country, are still present in our systems such as the justice system.
Elizabeth Morgan House works to uphold the rights of Aboriginal women and children to live lives free from violence by removing the barriers and implementing policy changes to ensure self-determination for Aboriginal women and children.
‘EMH is a frontline service provider responding to the failure of successive governments to apply a child rights based approach’ – Monica Morgan, Board member, Daughter of Elizabeth Morgan
Impacts on Aboriginal women and children
Violence disproportionately impacts Aboriginal women and children.
The population of Aboriginal females across Victoria has increased 35.5% (between the 2016 and 2021 census). Family violence incidents with Aboriginal affected family members have also increased by 32.8% since 2018 (while increasing by 21.25% in the non-Aboriginal population). So, the need for a culturally safe service for Aboriginal women increases every year.
The Victorian Crime Statistics show an increase of 22% in Aboriginal children affected by family violence from 2018 to 2022, and an 89% increase (172 women) in incidents involving Aboriginal women aged 60 or older.
The physical, emotional and financial toll is huge, across the entire lifespan. Aboriginal children are being taken from their families at rates nearing the stolen generation. It’s often a pipeline to youth detention and jail.
Source: Wiyi Yani U Thangani Report: Women’s Voices, AHRC (2020)
Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations like Elizabeth Morgan House are best equipped to provide services for Aboriginal women and children in crisis. Culturally safe and responsive services break the cycle of trauma.
If we want the impacts of family violence on Aboriginal women and children to change, we must uphold the right to self-determination and design systems and solutions with Aboriginal women at the centre.

‘Grief and loss is a massive thing we have to deal with at EMH – for kids and mothers’ – Kellyanne Andy, Service Delivery Manager
Without pursuing self-determination it is difficult to realise our foundational rights. - Wiyi Yani U Thangani Report: Women’s Voices, AHRC (2020)

Want to lend your voice?
Elizabeth Morgan House is a member based organisation and we encourage all Aboriginal women to become members. Together we resist. Together we rise.
We appreciate any donations that help us provide a voice for Aboriginal women and children to government.
Build and share your knowledge of these issues. Keep in touch with EMH.