Healthcare In Custody
We all have a right to safe and fair treatment in custody.
Over the past decade there has been a 137.8% increase in Aboriginal women in custody, nearly half of those (43%) are unsentenced, sitting in remand.
Healthcare is routinely denied to our women, including medication. Aboriginal women are further denied their right to social and emotional wellbeing through deprivation of connection to their Community and Culture.
Deaths in custody continue. This is unacceptable.
Elizabeth Morgan House works with Aboriginal women while incarcerated and post release to assist with their transition back to the community. But more is needed.
We are asking for:
Protection of human rights of women in custody, including the same access to health care
That ESSENTIAL and HUMANE medical care be provided to all Aboriginal women during any periods of incarceration across the state of Victoria
Implementation of RCIADIC recommendations to use imprisonment as a last resort
System accountability, culturally appropriate training and improved governance across all services to end deaths in custody.

Want to lend your voice?
Elizabeth Morgan House is a member based organisation and we encourage all Aboriginal women to become members. Together we resist. Together we rise.
We appreciate any donations that help us provide a voice for Aboriginal women and children to government.
Build and share your knowledge of these issues. Keep in touch with EMH.