Our Strategic Plan
A culturally safe and responsive Elizabeth Morgan House (EMH) will help to break the cycle of trauma for Aboriginal women and children.
So many of our systems are failing Aboriginal women and children – the criminal legal system, housing, child protection – and their voice is being ignored.
We know what we need to do. EMH is the best service for our people to attend for community and support. For nearly 50 years, EMH has been the safe space for Aboriginal women and families.
Our Strategic Plan sets out an ambitious agenda for self-determination for Aboriginal women and children and how EMH will support, empower and advocate for our women.

Elizabeth Morgan House Strategic Plan 2022-2028 (720p)
Video includes footage used with permission:
'Getting living quarters for young mothers'
Aunty Elizabeth Morgan (Yorta Yorta)
Filmed by Wayne Atkinson c. 1980s
Edited 2014 with funding from the Pratt Foundation
Koorie Heritage Trust